Tuesday, May 10, 2011


        This is one of the early Durgai figures. 
This statue is found in a very ancient temple in a place called Thondi. Thondi was aport city with a very busy harbour. It lies in the same latitude as Ta Kua Pa in Thailand. Ta Kua Pa was a very important port city with colonies of Tamil merchants. 
The ships would make use of the monsoon winds and sail straight to Nicobar and then to Ta Kua Pa. From Nicobar the ships can go to Akshaya - the present day Acchey. Or to Kedah. 
The temple is very very near the sea shore. It is unusual to build a temple so very near the sea. 
Geographical changes had evidently taken place during these millenia.

You can see many early Durgais with lovely lively expressions. It is all Middle Pandya Era. Thats the time that the Pandyas took sculptures and carvings to new heights. They were the masters of miniaturisation and other artistic wonders which would seem impossible at present. Stone polishing was also very well-developed.
The figure belongs to the Early Pandya Era which would be 7th to 10th centuries.
The statue could be around 7th or 8th century. Or earlier.

As you notice it is weather-beaten and is worn out due to exposure to elements of nature.

But still you can see the 'Life' in the eyes and face of the figure. 
Notice that the Durga is wearing a 'bra'. This is an ancient form also.

The important things to be noted here would be the dress. The ornamental mekalai or belt; then the knotted cloth around the waist. Also note the bow-tie knot at the sides.
The krita makutam - crown is also different from what we find usually. 
Since the figure is in a place which used to be a very bustling port city of the Pandyas, I sometimes suspect if it has any South East Asian influences or Chalukyan influences. 
Another noteworthy thing - the style and the fashion. 
That 'low-hip suprapubic' has come back again.

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