Wednesday, August 31, 2011


கணக்கெழுதிய பிள்ளையார்

     When Rajendra Cholza came to the throne, for some hitherto unknown reason, he did not stay in Thanjavur which was his father RajaRaja Cholza the Great's seat of power.
Another city called PalzaiyaaRai was the ancient capital of the Cholzas. It was a power-house of many bretheren of Cholza royalty. Rajendra's grandfather Sundara Cholza had greatly expanded it and beautified it. 
But in his last days, Sundara Cholza did not move into his newly renovated, fortified, beautified and greatly expanded royal city. He went to Kanchipuram and stayed in a golden palace which he had built because Kanchi was considered to be a secondary capital of great strategic importance. 
Why he could not stay in PalzaiyaaRai, is another great mystery shrouding the history of the Imperial Cholzas. 
He died in the Golden Palace and earned the name 'Pon MaaLigai Thunjiya Devar' - 'The Lord who Died In The Golden Palace'.
Rajendra went to Chithambaram and stayed there in his palace and performed many renovations to the Siva Temple and worshiped there. 
At the same time, he sent armies to Kalinga, and Bengal and across the sea to the SriVijayan Empire in South East Asia.
And also caused a great city with a great big beautiful Siva temple to be built in the wilderness near the KoLLidam/Kaveri. 

The great temple was more intricate and supposed to be more beautiful than the temple of RajaRaja. How the vimana tower was built in such a shape remains a mystery.

The building of the great temple was placed under the supervision of a special minister. 
After the building of the temple was begun, Rajendra suddenly had some doubts. 
He called forth his special minister and asked him for the accounts. He wanted it to be read to him in an assembly of his ministers and others. 
The minister was struck dumb.
Because he was so engrossed in his work, he never kept any accounts. 
He told the emperor that he would bring the accounts on the next day.
His favourite deity was Ganesa. 
He prayed to his Ganesa and went back home. 
Early in the morning, a young accountant went to Rajendra and told him that he had brought the accounts and would read to him. The minister is on his way and will join them in a short while. 
Rajendra gave the order to read.
The accountant read, "Eththu nool eNNaayiram pon".
He stopped and looked up at the Emperor. 
The Emperor was speechless and spellbound. 
"Eththu nool' is the string that they used for outlining the lay out of the temple including its entire structure from top to bottom and length and breadth.
If just the eththu nool only were to cost 8000 gold coins!
How much would the whole temple cost???!!!
The amount was so staggering that Rajendra did not have the mind to know the rest. 
He lifted up his hand and showed his palm. 
The accountant gathered up his account olais and went backwards and out of the presence of Rajendra. 
And disappeared near the statue of Ganesa. 
Just at that time, the special minister in charge of construction entered the site of the temple seated on his pallakku - palenquin. 
He learnt what had transpired and Rajendra also came to know that there was no such accountant who read the accounts. 
In due course, the temple was completed together with the new capital city which was 
named 'Gangai KoNda CholzaPuram'. The temple was called 'Gangai KoNda Cholzeeswaram' in memory of the great victory of Rajendra's armies on the banks of the Ganges.
And the Ganesa in that temple was known as 'KaNakku elzuthiya PiLLaiyaar' - 'The Ganesa Who Wrote The Accounts'.


1 comment:

  1. Exceellent. It is like 2g audit report submitted by CAG, india.

    Dr L Kailasam
    Author of malarcholai mangai, kayal, suthanthira sudarkaL
